Highlights of 2007

January Sunset

Visiting our wonderful Canadian friends!

Ruth comes to Visit!!

On her way from the east coast to the west coast Ruth stopped in Sioux Center to pick up her belongings and graced us with her presence for and evening. We love you Ruth!

Rita and her new hobby.

No, my hobby is not sanding!

Spoons in progress

The Hallway of no colour

In the Discovery Center is Sioux Falls, there is a hallway that uses a yellow light filter (or something like that) and makes all colours disappear.

Hallway of no colour, with flash

Now here is a Puzzle for you!

So, this picture is taken by my camera, which happens to be the camera I am holding in the picture. Why is the Camera NOT facing us as viewers???

A visit from a Friend

How is that for vagueness? :D

Rochester, MN

The only picture (one of two) I have from the L’Abri Conference.

Visiting John and Heather after the conference

At their new home!!

Quote by Ezra Cornell

While David was busy with school stuff, I took a walk around campus at Cornell. I found this monument by the Law area. It says “I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study.”

Taughannock Falls

On our tour of the area we stopped by Taughannock Falls, claimed to be the tallest water falls east of the Mississippi but when I was looking on the internet to find how to spell it’s name, I came across this web site. http://www.world-waterfalls.com/myths.php

Tree Art in College Town

On the way home from Cornell

Like my scarf? I made it while waiting for David this weekend :)

The Shoe Tree

Highlights of visiting the U of M

Visiting Jenna after visiting the U of M

Surprising Mom Hjelle for her birthday

Hjelle family

Easter Morning, Sunrise sevice

Preparing lunch, ummm.

Easter lunch with family

My parents came to visit and take a trip to South Dakota with us, so David’s parents came to spend Easter weekend with all of us.

Mom and Dad in South Dakota with us.

Bison among the buildings

Riding the Jackalope

ok, it was snowing and the seat was wet!

One last stop…

Brittney and Amanda

Our newest Dordt Friends :)

The crooked trees I love so well!

A visit from Barbara Gail

An Anniversary

David last concert at Dordt

Nice of the trupmet section to stand for me so I could get a good picture of David wasn’t it? ;)

Results from the storm

Earlier this month we had a huge thunder storm, our power even went out for an hour. Sunday morning we saw this tree in Children’s park. It was a big tree!

Harris’ Sparrow

A new bird!!! One day while David’s parents were visiting us, we were graced with a visit from a bird I had never seen before. How exciting! After much hunting in my bird book I concluded it is a Harris’ Sparrow, stopping for the day before continuing North for the summer.

Å visit with Rachael and Ed!

Wonderful Dordt friends visiting from Tusan, AZ. We went out for pizza with them and the Warners and then to the Warners for pie. Yum!

A date with David

Just a photo commemorating a walk to the park with David after church on Sunday.

Visiting with Matt and Sabrina

They are moving soon, we are moving soon, it was good to get together again before we do :)

Beautiful Mom to Be :)

Happy Anniversary!!!!!

3 years and counting! Loving it!

A day in Yankton

Frisbee Golf with the Hjelle’s

The Beautiful Greens of Spring

In my carving adventure I am learning to love trees in a whole new way. The different shades of green are fascinating!

The Interstates group

We had a lot of people walking in the parade for the Interstates Company. Can you find David?? Sort of like playing “Where’s Waldo?” :-D Yes, he is in there…

We gave all of our candy away.

Dancing in the Rain

Happy Wet Faces

40 Years in Canada

My Dad has now been in Canada for 40 years! Mom sent me this picture of him with all the olliebollen she made to share at church to celebrate.

Fedder Boys

Robin and Adam have such wonderful boys! They are such fun too!

Hard Working Men

While David’s paernts were visiting David, Jon and Dad went to help a friend cut down some trees in the friend’s yard. It was quite fun to watch :D

Spending time with the Los family

Mrs. Los invited me to go strawberry picking with her and her children and 3 nieces. We stoped by the park on the way home for a little picnic. It was great fun!

David fixing a leaky drain

I don’t remember what I was looking for under the sink, but I nocited that all my rags that I store there were soaking wet! David did some looking and found the problem and fixed it very well :)

Happy Birthday David!!

David requested a car manual for his birthday, he was very glad to get it too :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And Canada Day too!

That is what David gets for marrying a Canadian and having a birthday on Canada day. Since his birthday was also on the same day as our Church in the Park day I thought it would be good to celebrate with brownies. But being Canada day, I also made a cheese cake :) The icing bag broke while I was writing on David’s brownies, opps. The Cheese cake looked much nicer, needless to say :)

David amusing the Los’

I don’t remember what he was doing, but they enjoyed it :)

A few hours with Allie-son!!!

Allison was in Sioux Center for two days, Horray it was two days before we moved to NY! We were able to spend some time together and catch up before saying “see you later” again.

Horray! It’s Melanie and Colyn!

It’s been over a year since we’ve seen Melanie and two since we’ve seen Colyn. It was great to catch up! They have a beautiful new home and lots of fun wood to look at ;) Thank you guys very much for everything!!!

Catching up with John a few minutes

John, Heather, Georgia, ??

It was so nice to be able to visit the Mahan’s for lunch. In the middle of all our visits their house feels a little bit like coming home. It was a short visit but worth every minute! Happy Birthday Heather!!

I still like your hat ;)

We stayed overnight with Jenna and her roommates. It was much fun to catch up and meet her boyfriend :) He is very cute! You will have to ask her about him some time…

Yes, we had a very good time visiting Jenna too :)

I’m A Princess!

Sunday with Janelle

It’s been a long time since we have seen Janelle also! We were able to join her for church and then she took us to one of her favorite places to go, on a fun man made lake. We got Chineese for lunch and ate it by the lake. David spent time playing with the camera while Janelle and I talked about everything under the sun as we caught up on each other’s lives. It was wonderful Janelle!

Last visit of the weekend!

On our way home we were able to stop by Joshua and Allison’s home for a visit. I loved seeing their home, it is so much fun to see where our friends are settling and what they are being busy with. Oh, I also very much enjoyed the yard :)

The “Last Horrah!”

Amanda and Brittney came to visit us before we moved to Ithaca, so for lunch on Sunday we decided to invite our closets friends for one “last Horrah!” :) It was enjoyable!

The Last Horrah!


I have no idea how we will fit every thing into the truck!


Yes, David in the Hospital, no, he didn’t want his picture taken

Hjelle Family, just before leaving.

Face painting with Keturah

One of the first things we did when we got to Ithaca was visit my Sisters just 4 hours away in Canada.

Carson and Tante Julia

Tante Debbie and Skyler

Keturah’s Turn!

Family Vander Weir

Photo Rally with GCF

David and I joined Graduate Christian Fellowship at Cornell. This was one of their opening activities.

A visit from Mom and Dad! (In October)

Skyler and Carson came with them.

The boys at “Tall” Falls

Julia and Debbie Visited too!

Debbie and Me at Buttermilk Falls

A sneek peak at our kitchen

On our way to the Netherlands

Netherlands Castle

On our first day in Holland, my uncle took Mom, Dad. David and I to see some castles. It was one of David’s requests.

Utrech Tower

A visit with Oom Pete and Tante Ginny

David explores a windmill

Dad and his siblings

Dad, Mom, Myself and David

David and I with our translater, cousin Annelieke.

A Visit from Kevin and Elizabeth and family

Painting our dark hallway bright

Christmas in New Brunswick

Visiting Grammie!


© 2005-2007 David and Rita Hjelle